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moong salads | green gram salads

moong salads / green gram salads:
In this recipe, I am sharing two varieties of salad using soaked green gram. One features cucumber, and the other includes carrots. Each moong salad has a distinct taste due to the unique flavors of the vegetables used.
You should check out our recipe that explains how to sprout mung beans/ moong and make salads with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Additionally, read this interesting article written by Dr. Shivashankar on the benefits of sprouted beans.
Benefits of Mung Beans / Moong / Green Gram:
Mung beans are a rich source of protein, making them an excellent addition to a vegetarian diet. For those who find beans hard to digest, sprouting them is a great solution. Studies and research suggest that sprouting is beneficial for people with sensitive guts.
Mung beans, or green gram, are effective for weight loss due to their low-fat content and high amounts of protein and fiber. These nutrients help lower cholesterol levels in the blood and regulate blood sugar levels by preventing rapid spikes after meals. Mung beans also possess anti-cancer properties.
If you prefer, you can sprout the green gram before using it. Sprouting seeds and legumes helps break down complex sugars, reducing intestinal gas and making them easier to digest.


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Prepare the Green Gram:
  1. Wash and soak green gram in 2 cups of water overnight or for 6 to 8 hours.
  2. Drain the water using a colander.
  3. Divide the soaked green gram into two parts.
Prepare the Salads:
  1. Add grated carrot to one portion and cucumber to the other.
  2. Add chopped coriander leaves, grated coconut, and salt (divide into two portions and add to each salad).
  3. Mix each salad thoroughly.
  4. Squeeze some lemon juice over each salad.
  1. Heat oil in a ladle.
  2. Add a pinch of asafoetida (hing) and mustard seeds. Once the mustard seeds pop, add chopped green chillies and fry them.
  3. As the chillies change color, turn off the heat.
  4. Divide the seasoning between the two salads and mix well.