For lunch box we need some easy rice recipes. Vegetable Rice/bath is always a winner. One of the easiest and flavorful rice bath is using Tomato. This Tomato bath is very delicious and easy to make too. Again there are…

When I was reading about this seemebadane kayi/chayote Chayote/Bangalore Brinjal/Chow Chow I found out it is actually a fruit. I always though it is a vegetable. Chayote is low calorie, high fiber squash with excellent source of Vitamin C, and…

Bitter Gourd aka Karela, hagala kaayi .. is as the name says it is bitter in taste but has enormous health benefits. With mustard and coconut gravy it is too good. Adding jaggery is optional but my mom says adding…

Breakfasts are very important meal to start our day, which provides energy through out the day. Among our many healthy breakfast foods upma/uppittu is one of the easiest, tastiest and healthiest ones. We can prepare plain and simple upma with…