How to Prepare Kashaya using the Kashaya Powder
As I already said, kashaya is an ayurvedic health drink. It is not only healthy but tastes awesome too! With the Kashaya powder ready, here is the recipe to make kashaya.
As I already said, kashaya is an ayurvedic health drink. It is not only healthy but tastes awesome too! With the Kashaya powder ready, here is the recipe to make kashaya.
Capsicum aka bell peppers are a delicious vegetable which contains vitamins A and C. It is a low calorie vegetable which can be consumed either in raw or in cooked form. Compared to green bell peppers, the red variety has…
Almost 12 years ago my friend Vidya gave me a ziplock full of congress kadlebija. It tasted exactly same as the roadside churumuri vendor. I thought it should be from India. But to my surprise no! she prepared the masala…
Sambar/ HuLi is the most common dish in south Indian Kitchen. We use different combinations of vegetables, different spice mix to make it more interesting. Today’s recipe is Sambar with dill leaves(sabbasige soppu) and Black/brown/kala chana(kadale kaalu). Very nutritious and delicious…