Mixed vegetable are commonly the combinations of beans, carrot, and peas. You can try incorporating many other vegetables. I tried this Palya/Stir fry with the celery . It tastes amazing and very flavorful too. Here is the simple stir fry…
If I am making dosa, idli for breakfast, chutney is must in our family. My mom rarely uses onion in her cooking, this one particular chutney she use onion. This is one of the most popular chutney she makes for…
For lunch box we need some easy rice recipes. Vegetable Rice/bath is always a winner. One of the easiest and flavorful rice bath is using Tomato. This Tomato bath is very delicious and easy to make too. Again there are…
When I was reading about this seemebadane kayi/chayote Chayote/Bangalore Brinjal/Chow Chow I found out it is actually a fruit. I always though it is a vegetable. Chayote is low calorie, high fiber squash with excellent source of Vitamin C, and…