Ingredient turmeric powder

Bitter Gourd Gojju

Bitter Gourd Recipe
Whenever I developed an aversion to the food, Bitter Gourd Gojju with rice was one of the remedies from my Mom to bring back me to the normal track! It certainly opened up my taste buds. This Bitter Gourd Gojju recipe is bit unique and different from the usual one, which uses the Rasam powder. Once you try this recipe, repetition of this recipe in the future is guaranteed :)


When it come to boxed lunch always some kind of rice dishes are very popular. Among those Vangi bath/ eggplant/brinjal rice is very popular rice dish. Even the powder is named after this vangibaath, though we use it to make varieties of rice dish using the same vangibath powder. Green eggplants gives a distinct flavor to the baath, we rarely get that variety here, so I am using the purple one.